SCAM OF THE WEEK: Malicious Monkeypox Scams

As health-related anxiety continues to be high from the COVID-19 pandemic, cybercriminals are creating scams to target a different health concern. Cybercriminals are using fear about monkeypox outbreaks to scare you into sharing sensitive information.In one scam, cybercriminals send you an email about the latest monkeypox outbreaks and provide a link to mandatory safety awareness training. When you click this link, you’ll be taken to a fake Microsoft login page. If you enter your login credentials, you won't get access to monkeypox safety awareness training. Instead, cybercriminals will get access to your credentials and account.To stay safe from similar scams, remember the following tips:

  • Cybercriminals often use alarming topics to trick you into clicking impulsively. Always think before you click!
  • If you receive an unexpected training notification, reach out to your manager to confirm that the training is legitimate.
  • Before you click a link, hover your mouse over it. Watch out for links that are suspiciously long or show a different domain than the official website.

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